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10:00am to 04:00pm (Mon to Sat) - Amrita Hospital, Faridabad

06:00pm to 08:00pm (Mon to Sat) - Arthrocare Clinic, Noida



International Persentations

  • ‘Management of bone defects in TKR’ SICOT 2010,Gothenberg.Sweden
  • ‘Side Sweep injuries around  the Elbow’ SICOT 2010,Gothenberg.Sweden
  • Functional outcome after Locking plate fixation for displaced intra-articular fractures of calcaneum. SICOT 6-9 sept.2011, PRAGUE, CZECKOSLOVAKIA
  • Complex primary hip replacement in post tuberculosis arthritis. SICOT    6-9 sept 2011, PRAGUE, CZECKOSLOVAKIA
  • Bone defect management in primary Total Knee replacement. presented at 34th Annual conference of Singapore orthopaedic association at Singapore on 14 th Oct 2011.
  • Autografts in Total Knee replacement.IOS UK Annual conference 31st June-1st July,Glasgow. Scotland.UK.
  • Impaction bone grafting in primary total knee replacement. APOA 3-6 th oct 2012.New Delhi.
  • Fully porous coated stems in revision THR. 28-11-2012.Sicot,Dubai
  • Functional outcome after miniplate fixation of redial head and neck fractures.30-11-2012,Sicot Dubai
  • Coronal shear fractures of distal humerus-capitellum and trochlea
  • Impaction bone grafting in primary total knee arthroplasty. When, Why & How? SICOT RIO de Janerio 19-23 nov 2014.
  • Total hip replacement in sicklers-management & functional outcome in 39  patients. SICOT RIO de Janerio 19-23 nov 2014
  • Accurate balancing in total knee replacement is just a needle away. SICOT RIO de Janerio 19-23 nov 2014
  • RCT comparing the pithing technique with sub-periosteal release for balancing in primary total knee arthroplasty. SICOT RIO de Janerio 19-23 nov 2014

National Persentations

  • “Acute carpal tunnel syndrome due to median nerve haemangioma” at xxii CME, September 2004, Jaipur
  • “ACL reconstruction using modified miniarthrotomy” IOACON, December 2006, Delhi
  • “ACL reconstruction” ROSACON 2007 at Sikar, January 2007
  • KEINBOCK’S DISEASE: treatment by distraction neohistogenesis.NZIOACON:2009, ROHTAK
  • Osteosynthesis for radial head & neck fractures. Cezcon 2010, Jaipur
  • Side swipe injuries around the elbow: principles of management and functional evaluation. A A Mehta Gold medal session, IOACON 2010, JAIPUR
  • Osteosynthesis for radial head fractures.D P Bakshi Gold Medal session, IOACON 2010
  • Management of bone defects in severe varus knees. IOACON 2010, Jaipur
  • Total Knee Replacement in difficult Primary. CEZCON 2011, Varanasi
  • TKR in Varus knees with bone defects. CEZCON 2011, VARANASI
  • Automated Percutaneous Lumbar discectomy followed by Inspace for early degenerative lumbar spine., DOACON, DELHI OCT, 2011
  • Coronal shear fractures of distal humerus- Capitellum & trochlea. IOACON 2011 NOIDA.
  • Management of Hoffa fracture. DOA MIDCON APRIL 20.2014, NEW DELHI.

Poster Presentation: International

  • Dynesys fixation of the spine. Sicot, 2010. Sweden
  • Diam – device for intervertebral assisted motion. Sicot, 2010. Sweden
  • Singh’s Index Vs Dexa Scan – A comparative study. Sicot, 2010. Sweden
  • Girdle and leg pain in a lady with Post Polio Residual Paralysis. Sicot, 2010. Sweden
  • Everything is not tuberculosis. Sicot, 2010. Sweden
  • osteosynthesis for radial head and neck fractures. sicot 2011, prague, czeckoslovakia
  • Apld followed by Inspace in contained lumbar disc prolapse. 28-30 nov 2012. sicot Dubai.
  • Percutaneous cement augmented pedicle screw fixation in lumbar spine-our experience in Indian population. 28-30 nov 2012, SICOT Dubai
  • Conversion THR. 28-30 nov 2012, SICOT Dubai
  • Use of bone grafts in Total Knee Replacement. 28-30 nov 2012. SICOT Dubai.
  • Total hip replacement post trauma. SICOT 16-19 oct 2013 Hyderabad, INDIA
  • Total hip replacement in neglected childhood traula and sequelae septic arthritis of hip. SICOT RIO de Janerio 19-23 nov 2014

Poster Presentation: National

  • Deformity correction of neglected epiphyseal injury lower end radius using jess distractor” at IOACON 2006, delhi
  • Everthing is not tuberculosis”, NZIOACON 2010, JAMMU
  • Tuberculosis of clavicle:4 varied presentations” NZIOACON 2010, JAMMU.
  • PPRP and leg pain in a 40 years old. IOACON 2010, Jaipur
  • Modified Bosworth Procedure for Spondyloptosis. CEZCON 2011, Varanasi
  • Cement Augmented pedicle screw fixation.-early experience in Indian population. IOACON 2011, NOIDA
  • Modified Bosworth procedure in treatment of high grade spondylolisthesis/spondyloptosis. IOACON 2011, NOIDA.

Conferences Attended: Internationala

  • SICOT 2010 , August 31st -3rd September. Gothenberg, SWEDEN
  • 34 th  Annual Singapore Orthopaedic Association Conference, oct, 2011 .Singapore
  •  Inaugural Asia Cartilage Repair Society meeting. Oct 11-14, 2011, Singapore.
  • Annual conference of the Indian Orthopaedic Society -UK.  31st June -1st July, Glasgow,Scotland.UK.
  • Asia Pacific orthopaedic Association(APOA) and Asia pacific knee society(APKS), oct 3-6, 2012.New Delhi
  • Sicot 2012 Dubai.
  • 34th  annual conference of SICOT  16-19th oct 2013 Hyderabad, INDIA
  • 35th annual SICOT conference at Rio de Janerio, brazil 19-23 nov 2014.

Conferences Attended: National

  • xxii Continuing Orthopaedic Education- Course on deformity correction, September 2004, Jaipur
  • Indian Orthopaedic Association Annual Conference IOACON 2005, Bombay
  • IOACON 2006, Delhi
  • Pediatric orthopaedic society POSICON, Feb 2007, Jaipur
  • Ranawat Orthopaedic Conference ROC 2009, Kolkata
  • IOACON 2010, Jaipur
  • Ist Indian cartilage Society Meeting, Apollo Hospital. Delhi
  • Ranawat Orthopaedic Conference, 19th-20th jan 2012, PUNE
  • Ranawat orthopaedic conference Banguluru, Jan 17-19 2013
  • Ranawat orthopaedic conference, New Delhi, 2014
  • Ranawat orthopaedic conference, Mumbai jan 16-18, 2015.

Conferences Attended: Zonal

  • North zone Indian Orthopaedic Association NZIOACON, FEB 2008, DELHI
  • North zone of Indian orthopaedic association NZIOACON 2009, ROHTAK
  • Central zone CEZCON 2010, JAIPUR
  • NZIOACON Rohtak 13-15th feb 2015.

Conferences Attended: Regional

  • Rajasthan Orthopaedic Association ROSACON 2007, Sikar
  • Delhi Orthopaedic Association DOACON, JAN 2008, DELHI
  • MIDCON Delhi Orthopaedic Association, Aug, 2008. DELHI
  • DOACON, oct 5-6, 2011, DELHI
  • Punjab orthopaedic Association PUNCON oct 6, 2011, Ludhiana

Workshops / CME & Symposia

  • Primary hip + knee replacement, IOACON , 2005
  • Shoulder and advanced arthroscopy, IOACON ,2006
  • Rail and dynamic external fixator, April 2007, Jaipur
  • Advanced Total knee replacement (stryker),IAACON,DELHI 2008
  • A O Introduction program,april 2008,delhi
  • Primary Polytrauma  Care Course , Apollo hospital .September 2008,Delhi
  • Basic hip Workshop. DOA.Jan 2009.New Delhi
  • Mamc sports injury & arthroscopy update 2009,delhi
  • A.O. Principles course,March 2010,Jaipur.
  • Pediatric Orthopaedic Trauma Symposium and Workshop by Pediatric Orthopedic Society of India at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi on 13th August 2010.
  • American Academy of Continuing Medical education, dec 7.2010
  • AO Spine update Jan 26 ,Delhi 2011
  • Current Concepts in Arthroplasty,AUG 19-21 2011,AIIMS,New Delhi
  • AO Trauma Symposium (knee & ankle) Oct 2011 New Delhi
  • Basic Knee Arthroplasty Workshop,5 oct ,New Delhi
  • AO Advanced Trauma Course, oct 14-16 , 2011 ,New Delhi
  • Dr. K T Dholakia CME ‘complications in lower extremity trauma’ dec 8 Noida
  • MAMC Arthroscopy update.feb 2012.New Delhi
  • Advanced arthroplasty update & CME. 3rd-4th march,2012. Army Research & Referral ,Army Cantt. New Delhi
  • Zimmer Asia Pacific dynamic spine stabilization course.13-16 may Bangkok,Thailand.
  • Current concepts in joint replacement. Controversies in Arthroplasty. AIIMS. August 18-19.2012
  • APOA primary knee workshop 3rd oct 2012, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital New Delhi.
  • DOACON 2013,annual conference .workshop on acetabular fractures at B L K hospital ,Pusa Road , Delhi. 9 nov 2013
  • NZIOACON Rohtak feb. 15-16.2015.

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