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Partial Hip Replacement

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What is Partial Hip Replacement?

A partial hip replacement, also known as hemiarthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to replace the damaged or diseased head of the femur (thigh bone) while leaving the socket in the pelvis (acetabulum) intact. This procedure is primarily used to treat certain types of hip fractures, particularly in elderly patients, where the socket is in good condition and does not require replacement.

Partial hip replacement is needed in elderly patients where the femoral neck is fractured. The lifespan of the patient is limited and or there are major preexisting comorbidities.

The approach and the procedure is same as total hip replacement except that the implant used is different. The procedure takes less time than the total hip replacement. The complications and precautions are the same as that after total hip replacement.

Partial Hip Replacement, also known as hip hemiarthroplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to address specific conditions affecting the hip joint. Unlike Total Hip Replacement (THR), which involves replacing both the femoral head and the acetabulum, Partial Hip Replacement focuses on replacing only the damaged or diseased femoral head.

Why Partial Hip Replacement?

Partial Hip Replacement is typically recommended for individuals with fractures or conditions that primarily affect the femoral head while leaving the acetabulum (socket) relatively healthy. Common indications include hip fractures, osteonecrosis, and certain types of arthritis that primarily impact the femoral head.

Understanding the Procedure

  1. Indications for Partial Hip Replacement:
    • Hemiarthroplasty is typically recommended for older patients suffering from femoral neck fractures, where the ball of the hip joint is broken.
    • It’s also an option for patients with certain medical conditions where a total hip replacement may pose higher risks.
  2. Surgical Procedure:
    • Preparation: Before the surgery, a thorough medical evaluation is conducted. This may include blood tests, X-rays, and other imaging studies.
    • Anesthesia: The surgery is performed under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.
    • Incision and Access: An incision is made along the side or back of the hip to access the joint.
    • Removal of Damaged Bone: The damaged femoral head is removed.
    • Implant Placement: A metal prosthesis that mimics the natural femoral head is then inserted into the hollow part of the femur. The prosthesis is either cemented into place or designed for natural bone growth to secure it.
    • Closure: The incision is closed with sutures or staples.
  3. Advantages of Partial Hip Replacement:
    • Quicker Recovery: Recovery from a partial hip replacement is often quicker than from a total hip replacement.
    • Less Invasive: Since the acetabulum is not replaced, the surgery is less invasive.
    • Reduced Surgical Risks: Fewer complications are associated with partial hip replacement compared to a total replacement.
  4. Postoperative Care and Rehabilitation:
    • Hospital Stay: Patients may stay in the hospital for a few days post-surgery.
    • Rehabilitation: Physical therapy starts soon after the surgery to help the patient regain mobility and strengthen the hip.
    • Pain Management: Pain and discomfort post-surgery are managed through medications.
  5. Risks and Complications:
    • As with any surgery, there are risks such as infection, blood clots, and anesthesia complications.
    • Specific to hemiarthroplasty, there is a risk of dislocation, uneven leg lengths, and the possibility of future surgeries if the socket becomes diseased.
  6. Outcome and Longevity:
    • Partial hip replacements generally have good outcomes, especially in treating fractures.
    • The longevity of the implant varies, but many patients experience satisfactory function for many years.

Benefits of Partial Hip Replacement:

  1. Preservation of Bone and Tissue: As only the damaged portion of the hip joint is replaced, healthy bone and soft tissues are preserved, contributing to better long-term outcomes.
  2. Faster Recovery: Partial Hip Replacement often entails a shorter recovery period compared to Total Hip Replacement, allowing patients to return to their daily activities sooner.
  3. Improved Joint Function: By addressing specific issues affecting the femoral head, Partial Hip Replacement aims to restore joint function, alleviate pain, and enhance mobility.

Postoperative Care and Rehabilitation:

Following Partial Hip Replacement, a comprehensive postoperative care plan is crucial. Dr. Mrinal Sharma and the dedicated healthcare team provide guidance on rehabilitation exercises, pain management, and follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Why Choose Dr. Mrinal Sharma for Partial Hip Replacement?

  1. Expertise in Joint Replacement: Dr. Mrinal Sharma is a renowned orthopedic surgeon with specialized expertise in joint replacement surgeries, including Partial Hip Replacement.
  2. Patient-Centered Approach: Our practice is built on a patient-centered approach, emphasizing clear communication, empathy, and personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs.
  3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Dr. Mrinal Sharma utilizes state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical techniques to ensure the highest standards of care for every patient.


Partial Hip Replacement at Dr. Mrinal Sharma’s orthopedic practice is about more than just a surgical procedure; it’s about restoring your mobility and quality of life. If you’re dealing with hip joint issues and seeking a specialized and compassionate approach to care, we invite you to explore the possibilities of Partial Hip Replacement with us. Schedule a consultation today to embark on the journey toward improved hip function and a pain-free, active lifestyle. At Dr. Mrinal, we are committed to your orthopedic well-being.

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